Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Count

I am a pessimist. I almost always imagine in every scenario the worst thing that could possibly happen - for instance, I've lately been obsessed with the fear of tripping over my dress and FALLING DOWN the stairs during the recessional. I visualize it happening probably once a day.... (I think I once learned that you start to go crazy when you are sleep deprived...)

I too often tend to focus on the negative aspects of life and can probably convince almost anyone that something is terrible. I AM SO NOT PROUD OF THIS! One of the things that I know I need to work on is my pessimistic attitude and outlook in life. Mr. Ramen is constantly gracious in gently pointing out to me all the good things that God has blessed me with in life... which I agree with.

So I'm starting this new thing - where I'm going to start counting my blessings every morning and night. Care to join me? I know, it sounds uber cheesy. Maybe it is. Meh.

I know as brides we tend to want to rant and rave about all the wedding plans that are falling apart, stress over the what-ifs, and obsess over every little detail that could possibly go wrong... And I'm not saying to not care about those things at all, but to remember that there are much more important things in life than if your envelope liner colors aren't a perfect match with the cocktail napkins, or if your caterer didn't email you back ASAP to confirm that they would use julienne the carrots instead of slice them, or if your FMIL wants to wear a deep ivory colored gown (although these can definitely be stressful situations!). And the world isn't going to end if your size in your dream wedding shoes are out of stock -although I know that exact devastation when it feels like the sun might not rise in the morning.

So here's my quick little off-the-top-of-my-head list (and not in any particular order):

1. FOOD (of course that's the first thing I think about.....eesh.)

I often find myself complaining about a lack of funds (like most of us, right?) - but the truth of the matter is, I have an overabundance of food. I can go out and get something to eat if I want. I have money to buy groceries every week. And we're not talking gruel - I can afford Special K (sometimes) and eggs and meat and my beloved cheeeese. Heck, I can even afford to go to Sbux at least once a week to get my legal stimulant-addiction fix. One tall soy hazelnut latte please! (I've recently been forced into soy conversion....by my own traitorous body. At least it's tasty! Sorry, is this TMI?)

2. Family/Jia/Ohana/Familia/Kajok

I seriously have the most loving and supportive family ever - Sister Ramen is the best MOH ever (planning 2 awesome showers for me!), Mommy Ramen is taking care of family housing details and the Rehearsal Dinner and other little details, Daddy Ramen is helping my mom AND doing most of the Ramen pre-marital counseling, Brother Ramen is one of Mr. Ramen's groomsmen and is helping plan his bachelor party, and FBIL Ramen is going to be an usher and announcer/emcee for us. Yup, everyone gets in on the Ramen wedding action!

They all lovingly support the Ramen relationship, and continue to pray for us and encourage us as we get closer and closer and ever closer (eeeeeek!) to the big day. Everyone has helped pitch in with various wedding crafting as well, even in my absence! After having a bit of a major meltdown, the Ramen parents decided to take a pretty big load of wedding errands on to help me out. I would be soooo lost without the fam! I miss them terribly (they're all in AZ while I'm stuck out in OC).


Obviously, these aren't the friends I'm talking about, although I do spend some quality time with these ones too. But my friends (old, new, from AZ to CA to WA) have been nothing but supportive, encouraging, and super helpful throughout this insane journey aka wedding planning. Even the boys ask me how things are going! It's good to know you're loved. And that they love you so much, they wouldn't miss your wedding for the world :)

4. Best Fiance Ever (IMHO)

I mean, really. What man would subject himself to learning how to fold and fluff a million tissue paper flowers? Mine! What man can comfortably and casually wield a sander or glue gun or Gocco when needed? Mine! That's right, my man knows how to Gocco! although it did take a long time for him to understand how it works (duhhhh, it's awesome Japanese fancy-magic!)...

I seriously thank God for Mr. Ramen evvvvvvvvvvvery day because I dunno where I'd be without him. He's soooo patient with all of my crazy moodswings and last minute changes, and is always game (maybe not always so willingly) to help me with all of my wedding projects. And we all know how integral he is to the aesthetics of this wedding, since he is the main designer (design slave?). The longer we've been together, the more I can see how he truly is the perfect fit for me, how he completes me, how he is my lobstah. I'm so crazy about this guy, it is pretty stinkin ridiculous.
And that's just the beginning! So forgive me when I forget to count my blessings and whine/complain/throw a tantrum/pout about the things that don't go according to my "perfect" plans... and PLEASE remind me of all the crazy-grood* things that I have to be thankful about. Because there is SO SO SO SO SOOOOOO very much.

What are you most thankful for right now?

*grood = good + great (thankyouverymuch Homestar!)

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