Friday, October 2, 2009

Some Sweet Lovin'

I looooove getting snail mail (a reason why I was kind of insistent on mailed RSVPs vs online). I recently received this lovely hand addressed invite....

...complete with cute litte red eyelets....
...featuring 2 of my favorite colors, in a color combo that I love (dark red and light blue), but didn't choose for our wedding.....
inviting me to my SoCal Bridal Shower!!!!! Thrown by my awesome bridesmaids!

(L to R: Crazy-cousin K, Awesome friend J, me!, Sister Ramen, Opto school friend H, and UCI friend J)
The theme is "How Sweet it Is", one of my favorite Motown songs.... and since most of my ladies are ALSO huge foodies (and good cooks), I know there will be some amazing grub. I can't wait to hang out with a huge group of my girlfriends, wear a pretty dress, and get away from school!

This shower isn't a surprise - mostly because my sister and cousin are both from out of the area, and would need to crash with me, and also because our school schedule is a little crazy sometimes. I can't believe how much hard work my sister and cousin put into designing and making my Paper-Sourced invites! Aren't they so cute?
On a slightly-related note... I was changing something on our registry and discovered that PEOPLE ARE BUYING US STUFF!!!!!!!!!!! Obviously, that's the point of the registry, but it just made me reallllly excited :) So now I have to keep myself from stalking the registry... sigh.
What kind of shower theme are you having? Is it a surprise, or did you have a hand in deciding the date?

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