Saturday, August 29, 2009

work it!

lately, i've been finding myself SO caught up with wedding stuff, work (i work for a department office at my school), and school that i never get around to working out :(

now, i'm not the kind of girl that will starve herself. for anything. especially not a dress. and my dress already fits me (and actually needs to be taken in a little bit), but i'm also not the most naturally slim chick either. i've always been athletic and need to regularly exercise to stay toned (and sane).

so instead of depriving myself of food, i've made a few lifestyle changes... such as trying to eat more fruits and veggies, learning to just say "no!" to desserts and unnecessary sugar/fat (the exception would have to be yogurtland. ahhhh, tart yogurt, my love!), eating smaller portions, no snacking (except for fruit and yogurt), and walking walking walking whenever i can. i also try to hit up the gym whenever possible and bust through my standard ~ 3-4 miles on the elliptical in 30-35 minutes, and doing a little bit of abs and arms/back. i NEVER work out my legs because i have the world's largest calf muscles and i do NOT want them any bigger than they are. i kid you not, they are SOOO muscular, people always ask me if i played soccer and other such running-sports. and no, i didn't. so i try to lengthen them with pilates.
fun tangent (i swear this pertains to this subject): i used to run outside, until i got hit by a car last year. true story. really. i was running ON THE SIDEWALK and a woman making a left from the opposite direction hit me. i flew through the air and landed on my back. smacked my head (i like to think this was why i bombed that one final that quarter...), scraped up my arm, and got a pathetic bruise on my leg. i've started to think that i'm indestructible, since i didn't even break anything, and i've gotten worse bruises from walking into my bed. the good thing about this accident is aside from having a cool story to tell, it paid for my wedding dress. anyways, for this reason i am no longer allowed to run outside. hm. i guess my life is more exciting than i thought.

back to our usual programming:
i recently did a few P90X videos with my friend and her fiance. i've only done the yoga and cardio/kickboxing videos and i loooooove them! i'm fiercely competitive, so working out with other people always motivates me to push myself harder (as long as we're doing the same thing, like a video). yeah, i'm not sure why i'm so crazy about beating other people at stuff like that.... but at any rate, i can TOTALLY see a difference in my body just by doing that, and they do lots of warmup and stretching, so i was really barely sore after those videos. i just felt so good afterwards and healthier! so i might try to throw those in the mix to keep my muscles "confused", and also just for fun.

i've noticed lots of brides drop a TON of weight for the wedding, only to gain it all back on the honeymoon, and i didn't want to do that. i decided that a steady weight loss would be my goal, and i'd be shooting more for health/tonicity than anything - something that would last further than just the wedding day. i'm hoping that more brides will focus on their long-term health, than just the short-term benefits of crazy deprivation diets and work-out regimes!
what lifestyle changes are you making to get fit? have you tried p90x?? have you ever been hit my a car running outside????

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