Tuesday, September 8, 2009

playing catch up

i have this problem. my brain runs a mile a minute (i think most female minds are like this), and my tongue can't keep up and i end up smooshing words together. this can be either really funny or terribly embarrassing, or sometimes a bit of both. Example: I was once trying to say "pop my pimple" (yeahhhh, i'm not sure why i was saying that to anyone...) but it came out "pimp my popple". PAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!!! Am I the only one who had a popple? I loved that little thing!

SO... what does that have to do with blogging? uhm, nothing, aside from my feeble attempt to explain WHY i haven't written about very basic wedding minutiae like:
  • my wedding color

  • what flowers/florist i'm using

  • what caterer i chose

  • wedding cake choice

  • HOW i met mr. ramen!
  • have i mentioned that sister ramen/MOH is actually getting married about 6 months after i do??? another story for another day.

anyways. so, i'm going to be kind and rewind and try to update you on these small yet significant details. Starting with (duh duh duhhhhhhhhhhh!) COLORS! being in optometry school, i could totally be a nerd and explain colors to you... BUT i will spare you the boredom and effort of scrolling through a boring post to get to some PICTURES (my sister said she only looks at posts with pictures....SIGH)

i originally wanted to do the black-white-green thing. until i went to two weddings, almost in a row that were roughly those same colors.... and for some reason the green just felt too close too Christmas-y for me....

so, trying to be the easy-going person that i am (translation: more like crazy-perfectionist-obsesser), i decided that a palette of colors would probably be more conducive to my sanity then specifying 2-3 colors to do my wedding in (ex: Mediterranean wind blossom and summer sun-ripened grapeseed oil... not that these are colors, but i do think you catch my drift). so mr. ramen and i chose a palette of greys. because grey is the new blonde. btw, i go back and forth on spelling it grey/gray.



(Side notes - reminder: we are getting married in December. Note: my favorite color is red; Red is super good luck/happy/fortune for Chinese/Asian weddings. Everyone concludes: your wedding colors will be CHRISTMAS colors! My response: ehhhhhh. no. i love December, but we didn't choose this date so we could use Christmas decorations....)

greys are a nice neutral background, it matches the black dresses (that look great and fit everyone!), and you can kind of just add whatever the heck color you want to it. it's modern, a little sexy, clean, and a little romantic.... you get the picture. so initially the thoughts were to do greys + blue + yellow. we added the yellow to keep it from looking depressing.

non-depressing yellows!

have you noticed a lot of yellow in weddings lately? it felt like EVERYONE was doing yellow, and as i thought about it, it didn't seem to really fit the feel that i was going for. plus i think yellow flowers are more in season in the spring/summer. so back to the blues (more of a slate blue/blue-grey/antique blue).

now, we needed a new contrasting accent color. see, Mr. ramen, designer that he is suggested PINK as an accent color initially. uhhhh. you heard me right. my FIANCE suggested pink. i brushed that aside initially thinking, too girlie, everyone does pink, i don't even LIKE pink. but as i began to think about it and as wedding hormones surged through my body as i surfed sites such as snippetandink, pink began to seem like it was the most perfect color in the world!

not just your run-of-the-mill candy pink or hot pink. no, no, that would be much too easy. it had to be a really soft, subdued peachy-blush-pink. i think this fits into that whole "romance/little touch of vintage" part of our "theme/style".

that perfect shade of vintage-y light pink

so there you have it. the Ramen wedding colors. different shades of grey, grey-blue, and blush pink!

how much did your original color scheme change?

*i am 99.9% sure all of the inspiration boards can be found at snippetandink.

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